Thursday, November 13, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Tomorrow's The Election
I'm going to be voting for Barack Obama. Enough has been said in his favor so I won't go into that. Things have been said against him as well, but from what I've seen they have been mostly distortions at best, and random stuff from left field in the main. That's my very summary perspective on it.
Anyway, here are a few links that may help you if you are still undecided.
Obama on the issues - statements and details on his positions on various issues. If you've mostly heard about him via email forwards you may find things different from what you were told. - check the claims and statements by the candidates and others, and seperate the noise from the real.
Political Compass - take a quiz and see how you fit in among the candidates and other figures.
Posted by John's Secret Identity™ at 3:27 PM 0 comments