Saturday, January 27, 2007

Symptom or Cause?

Or maybe both?

What am I talking about? An apparent dearth of science reporting in this country, and a failing in science education. I usually get my news throughout the day through the AP feed of my local paper's web site. Today when I arrived at the Secret Headquarters I noticed the page design had changed, and Science was missing from the list of sections. WTF??? Remembering a trick I had picked up, I edited the URL, substituting "RANDOM" for the code for my local paper after "SITE=" to have it redirect me to a random paper. The first site that came up had the full complement of sections. I breathed a sigh of relief and bookmarked it.

Now at my Secret Lair, I tried the same trick. This time I'm not having such good luck. I've been through a couple dozen randomly selected sites and not one of them is carrying the science section. This is an outrage.

It raises (no, not "begs") the question: Is this a symptom of poor science education in this country? Do the papers not carry science news due to lack of interest? Or does this shortage of exposure to science cause a lack of interest in science education?

UPDATE: I finally found one: I do think I will keep looking for one with a simpler layout, and AP search. If I don't find one tonight, I'll email myself the one I found at the Secret Headquarters.


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