Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A Brief "Stuck-In-A" Episode

While we've been waiting out the storm the fire department paid a little visit. We met them in the lobby of Secret Headquarters (we're on the 1st floor of a building with other tenants) and were asked if we had called about people being stuck in the elevator. We told them we weren't aware of it but if there were it was likely them who called. They tried the elevator button and it was in fact stuck. After trying a few keys they got the door open. The car was stuck between the 2nd & 3rd floors, mostly on the 2nd. There were two people in it who said they were okay. (Other than being stuck in the elevator.)

I showed them the stairs and they headed up but the 2nd floor door was locked to the stairwell. I called the property manager and he said he was forty minutes away but on his way with the key. The firemen decided they couldn't wait that long - they were getting other calls. I called the manager again and let a fireman talk to him. They got his permission to do whatever they had to to open the door. In the end, they managed to get it open without breaking it. I let them use the phone again to tell the manager that the people were out and the elevator was still stuck, and off they went to their next call.

All in all it was more exciting to live through than to read about, I suppose, particularly for the people who were stuck.

Along the way I took this pic of the open elevator shaft. The orange thing is a wedge the firemen stuck in the door to keep it open.

Meanwhile, the storm is passing. Looks like another five minutes or so, so I better post this and shut down.
