Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Another Piece Of The Puzzle

My wife was doing a little online research last night and learned something interesting about a possible cause of my sperm problems. Apparently there are signs of a statistical link between appendicitis and anti-sperm antibodies. Anti-sperm antibodies can cause the body's immune system to attack sperm and keep them from developing normally.

Well, if it's possible for a case of appendicitis to cause a man to produce anti-sperm antibodies then I'm a absolutely prime candidate. Several years back I had appendicitis. It wasn't the usual case, though. To make a long story short, I walked around, apparently for a few months, with an encysted ruptured appendix. It was finally diagnosed with a CT-scan, though because I had to travel for that due to an insurance issue my doctor wasn't told of the diagnosis until we were off on vacation. We got back, I had my appendix out, and I recovered. I thought that was pretty much the end of it. I wonder now if maybe that extended/recurring case of appendicitis is what's behind my low sperm count and motility and poor morphology.

Just the possibility relieves us both of a nagging doubt: were we really meant by nature to reproduce? If this is an acquired condition, and we have no reason at this point to believe it's not, that doubt is gone.