Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Information About A Nokia Battery Recall That Just May Save Your Family's Lives!

Okay, I couldn't resist a bit of sweeps-style hyperbole there, but the story is real and if you have any Nokia devices you should look at the story and check your device(s) against the list of those affected. Otherwise, your battery might just asplode!

Nokia recalls batteries; at risk to explode by ZDNet's Larry Dignan -- Nokia on Tuesday issued a product advisory for its BL-5C battery. The problem: The battery, which may affect as many as 46 million devices, could explode. In the advisory, Nokia said the battery was manufactured by Japan’s Matsushita Battery Industrial Co. between December 2005 and November 2006. The BL-5C battery is one of 14 used [...]
Be sure to come back here and post a comment with your harrowing story of escaping death by exploding battery.