Thursday, August 16, 2007

Your Next Eatin' Out With The Guys Shirt

I'm not sure how I was struck with the inspiration to make this one. I think it may have been sparked after my wife and I had one of out occasional playful exchanges of numerous obscene gestures. Anyway, the concept came to me and worked as an eatin' out shirt so here it is: "Not An Obscene Gesture". The border around the text is a bread texture, and is not present on white shirts. The font was chosen because it looks a bit like it could have been drawn on in sauce squeezed from a bottle. (I may actually revise this a bit, adding some highlights to the text so it looks more like sauce.)


Calista*Was*Here said...

I appear to be an ignorant, but what is IVF?

John's Secret Identity™ said...

In Vitro Fertilization. We're trying to have a baby.

Calista*Was*Here said...

Try mixture of cinnamon and honey; both of you, every day 3 spoons.

Having baby has to be pleasant experience, right?

John's Secret Identity™ said...

My sperm count was 0.3 million with 0% normal morphology. Home remedies aren't going to cut it. Neither will relaxing, special positions, etc.

If we do end up with a baby it will be pleasant. Otherwise it's anything but. Look back through my blog.

Calista*Was*Here said...

U cannot have all the answers, John.
Is your answer imaginable in some other time/era?!

How about praying?!

(Maybe I just entertain u by my comments but...ok, we'll get there some day.)