Monday, November 13, 2006

Jewelry Party!!!

Well, things have been a bit better. My wife's tender tummy has been gradually improving. We think she's also got some stress-related discomfort there, and of course she's been stressing about the stones and the possibility of another attack. As the days go by without one, though, it's gotten better.

This weekend was nice. We worked briefly Saturday at the Secret Headquarters. Sunday we attended a jewelry & food party at my sister in law's house. You know - one of those parties where everyone sits through a sales pitch and plays some goofy games to earn small discounts on whatever they're selling, and the hostess gets free stuff if the rest of us (who love her so dearly) buy lots of stuff for ourselves.

Being the good husband I am, I played along and got my wife a few extra points, actually winning one of the games. She ended up buying three pieces for a few bucks. I guess it was an okay deal. Apparently if she decides she'd rather have something else she can exchange what she got for anything else in their catalog as long as she keeps the receipt & pays shipping. I think the gotcha there is inflation: you can only trade what you have for something that's currently priced at what you originally paid.

But it was fun, actually. There were a few laughs and we got to spend some time with the kids and meet my oldest nephew's girlfriend and his mother's boyfriend. The food was decent too, though I'm not sure anyone bought any.