Saturday, April 21, 2007


Okay. I have a low sperm count. Very low. I've got an appointment with a urologist Tuesday. My count is too low to realistically hope to improve it to the point that we don't have to go for IVF, so we've started the ball rolling scheduling that. We do think it's a good idea to get me checked out to see if the count is being lowered by some condition that could do me other harm and get that fixed if needed. If they find some sort of reversible blockage and can raise my count significantly, then so much the better, but I'm not holding my breath.

I think I'm over the initial shock. The fact that we can afford at least one try at IVF ourselves and may be able to borrow from our parents for an additional try if necessary helps, since it means we're not sunk yet. It's just not going to be as easy as we'd initially hoped. I can deal with that. As I understand things the IVF is actually more of a sure thing than the IUI was, even if I had a normal count, since pretty much the only thing left to chance is the implantation, and even that is prodded along a bit to improve conditions.

With that in mind, I feel comfortable sharing a bit more about the experience yesterday. In chronological order...

When did Hustler go hardcore? In the "collection room" which was essentially a restroom with a lounge with a love seat, (that's a two-seat couch, for any readers from countries where they don't call them that,) they had a magazine bucket with several copies of Penthouse, Playboy, Hustler, Black Tail, Big Black Butts, and some biker babe magazine. We started out with my wife flipping through a Penthouse while I took matters in hand, but there were too many ads & articles about electronics & stuff, and one nasty picture of some sports player with a bloody nose, so we switched to a Hustler. That was a bit better. The girls were no prettier, but Hustler really knows how to focus on their core competency. The last time I looked at a Hustler was almost twelve years ago, just before I tossed out my porn stash in advance of my wife's first visit to New Orleans. (I figured they were obsolete then. :) ) Back then any penetration was in the ads or in the odd video review, and censored with dots and such. Now they seem to hold nothing back. I'm pretty sure I spotted a come shot on one page, though my wife flipped by pretty quick on that one. I think she got a bit absorbed in the thing because she kept lingering over the articles & ads & cartoons. I had to remind her what we were looking at it for. :) Actually, it probably helped me hold off longer and build up a bigger deposit.

Later, after we got the bad news and went ahead with the IUI I got to push the plunger to inject the sperm into her. I think that might have been a bit more fun had the count been higher, but that's how it goes. Hopefully one of those sperm will get lucky.

Later still, at Secret Headquarters, we locked the doors, turned off the light so people looking in the windows couldn't see, and supplemented the injection a bit.

Today was a bit hectic, having our nephews & niece & SIL over while our oldest nephew cut our lawn (got some pics of the stream in back - will post them later,) doing some catch-up work at Secret Headquarters, eating dinner out with my wife's parents, but I hope to do a bit more supplementing tonight. Might as well with up to four eggs in play.

Once again, wish us luck!